Saturday 31 October 2009

INTERVIEW: Mike Fielding (Naboo from The Mighty Boosh)

So, the interview was a go go, I had a little chat with Mr Mike Fielding. Come with us now as we take a journey through time a space - click on the video to see! =)

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Questions For Mike Fielding (Naboo From The Mighty Boosh)

So it looks like I have the interview with Mike Fielding, unless something drastically changes within the next day...which it hopefully won't !

But because I like getting people involved and I know there is a lot of people who are fans of The Mighty Boosh out there, I am giving you lot the chance to submit questions to the man himself, if it's good enough it may get used and you're name will be mentioned. As the interview is being filmed , you will be able to see his reply! How cool will that be? Extremely ;D

So if you would like to ask a question, please leave it below with your name and then come back onto the blog sometime on Saturday and you'll be able to see the finished product. There is no excuse to not ask a question as you do not have to register to comment! So yea, get thinking of questions, Deadline is : Tomorrow (Thursday 29th October) at 10.00pm


Monday 26 October 2009

MUSIC: Mr Hudson - Nottingham Rock City : 25/10/09 (Live)

Hands down, Mr Hudson is cool. He looks cool, he acts cool and he has cool celebrity friends. But with many of his latest album reviews not in his favour, how does he bode live?

From the moment his band start playing, you are lost in a frenzy of kids vibrating under the drum beat. His new album has only been out for a week, yet a large amount of the audience were singing along to his new songs. Seeing as he is only the support act on the bill this evening, you wouldn’t expect the response he got. His interaction with the crowd was impeccable, thanking them for making him feel less like the ‘mardy bum’ he had felt like in the afternoon, the crowd were going wild for him and you could see his happiness – after waiting since 2005, his music was getting the attention he wanted and deservedly so.

Whilst in the past Mr Hudson has failed to gain wide exposure, Kanye West has made him popular with one of the songs of the summer but his amazing live rendition of ‘Supernova’ minus the Kanye West vocals shows he doesn’t need Kanye or others involved vocally, Mr Hudson has finally arrived and is hopefully here to stay.


MOVIES: Horsemen [18]

Horsemen revolves around Aidan Breslin, a detective played by Dennis Quaid who is called in to investigate a murder in which all the victims teeth were left at the crime scene with the sentence ‘Come and See’ written around the area four times. This leads inevitably to a series of murders connected with the story of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the bible.

This is a film that seemingly can’t decide what genre it fits into, whilst it starts off looking promising as a general thriller, the extreme violence and torture scenes soon switches it to a gorefest. A particular scene involving a homosexual killing himself with a saw is particularly gruesome and offensive. The movie wasn’t even backed up by a good script with many inconsistencies throughout.

However, within the dark were lights shining, such as Ziyi Zhang who plays Kristin, the supposed grieving daughter of a victim with such flare and passion but she could not bring this movie back. The final straw was how Horsemen climaxed, it ends so abruptly with no adequate conclusion that you’re left confused about what has just happened.

Horsemen is a film that had all likelihood that it would be good, with big name actors being involved and a good synopsis, but it proved that without a well thought out script a film is nothing.


me me me

There is a reason the Paolo Nutini and Enter Shikari reviews were a bit delayed, I went to Cornwall fully intending to still publish the reviews but not realising that Sennen Cove doesn't seem to have any access to the internet at all =/ It was quite good though, especially finding the sourest sweet I have ever tasted literally burning your tongue as soon as it touched!

However, I am now back and ready for business, hopefully this very evening there will be two more reviews: Horsemen (the movie) and Mr Hudson live. If one or both aren't on tonight, feel free to slap me and then wait, they'll definately be on in the next two days! Then before Halloween, I'm doing a comparison of two of the UK's scariest attractions! That's when I finish this backcatalogue of reviews that seem to have gathered up with me writing them all as fast as I can.

Once that happens, I look to the future, I'm in talks to review Soft Toy Emergency, Frankmusik and also interview Mike Fielding (Naboo from The Mighty Boosh), all these COULD be coming up, no guarantees but we'll see!

Over and out,
Tom Price