Wednesday 24 March 2010

MUSIC: You Me At Six - Nottingham Rock City: 17/03/10

ym@6In the good old usa, there is a widely hyped touring festival called the Warped Tour. This tour carries bands with a punkish electro rock sound and throws them at nearly every single state. So, what’s the relevance I hear you ask? Each of the bands on the bill today have played the Warped Tour and two will be playing this year. In fact, it could be regarded as an unofficial UK Warped Tour…tour curated by You Me At Six themselves. Each of the bands have a fairly big following due to their US success, so to catch them all playing on the same tour is a big gift for fans around the UK – no wonder the tour was completely sold out!

Due to the bands having roughly the same popularity, the support slot has been rotated night after night with Forever The Sickest Kids being first onstage at Nottingham. The six of them stormed the stage which was rampacked with equipment, jumping around encouraging the crowd of hyperactive teens to go mental and crowd surf as much as possible, much to the dismay of security guards. Due to the amount of equipment on the stage, there was only small space for the band and they would have had much more chance to run around, as you could see they wanted to, on a bigger stage. The sound levels were not at all perfect at the beginning of their set, but they did get better, and in no way did this affect their set – barely being noticed through the screams surrounding the stage and the atmosphere the band was creating.

We The Kings took to the stage with much of the audience holding up their hands to make a W sign. Playing mainly old songs appealed to the crowd with ‘Check Yes Juliet’ getting a fantastic reception, but the tracks from latest album ‘Smile Kid’ show that the band are capable of pulling off great records track after track. The band are confident and comfortable onstage, with the drummer pulling off impressive moves in the last song – and with so much practise touring why shouldn’t they be?

But whereas a lot of the crowd knew and loved the support bands, the majority were there for one band and one band only. You Me At Six have developed quite a following through the years since ‘Take Off Your Colours’. But they are still down to earth, they are like a family on stage laughing at each other enjoying themselves and this family spirit spreads. The whole audience felt connected with the band, singing along and creating quite a vast mosh pit. Lead singer Josh relished talking to the crowd, and although having laryngitis he sounded great during the one and a half hour set. ‘Underdog’ closed the night, giving the crowd the chance to go crazy.

With We The Kings and You Me At Six getting ready to go over and play the Warped Tour, boy are the American’s lucky!

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